TrueType-croscore-vl.spec 3.5 KB

  1. %define _fontdir %{_datadir}/fonts/TrueType-croscore
  2. Name: TrueType-croscore
  3. Summary: The width-compatible fonts for improved on-screen readability
  4. Summary(ja): オンスクリーンでの可読性改善のための width-compatible フォント
  5. Version: 1.23.0
  6. Release: 2%{?_dist_release}
  7. License: OFL
  8. Group: User Interface/X
  9. #URL:
  10. Source0:{version}.tar.gz
  11. Source1: LICENSE
  12. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  13. BuildArch: noarch
  14. Requires: TrueType-croscore-doc = %{version}
  15. Requires: TrueType-croscore-sans = %{version}
  16. Requires: TrueType-croscore-mono = %{version}
  17. Requires: TrueType-croscore-serif = %{version}
  18. %description
  19. This package contains a collections of fonts that offers improved on-screen \
  20. readability characteristics and the pan-European WGL character set and solves \
  21. the needs of developers looking for width-compatible fonts to address document \
  22. portability across platforms.
  23. %package sans
  24. Summary: croscore sans (Arimo) fonts
  25. Summary(ja): croscore sans (Arimo) フォント
  26. Group: User Interface/X
  27. Requires: %{name}-doc
  28. %description sans
  29. This package includes croscore sans (Arimo) fonts.
  30. %description -l ja sans
  31. このパッケージには croscore sans (Arimo) フォントが
  32. 含まれています。
  33. %package mono
  34. Summary: croscore mono (Cousine) fonts
  35. Summary(ja): croscore mono (Cousine) フォント
  36. Group: User Interface/X
  37. Requires: %{name}-doc
  38. %description mono
  39. This package includes croscore mono (Cousine) fonts.
  40. %description -l ja mono
  41. このパッケージには croscore mono (Cousine) フォントが
  42. 含まれています。
  43. %package serif
  44. Summary: croscore serif (Tinos, SymbolNeu) fonts
  45. Summary(ja): croscore serif (Tinos, SymbolNeu) フォント
  46. Group: User Interface/X
  47. Requires: %{name}-doc
  48. %description serif
  49. This package includes croscore serif (Tinos, SymbolNeu) fonts.
  50. %description -l ja serif
  51. このパッケージには croscore serif (Tinos, SymbolNeu) フォントが
  52. 含まれています。
  53. %package doc
  54. Summary: croscore font Documents
  55. Summary(ja): croscore フォントドキュメント
  56. Group: User Interface/X
  57. %description doc
  58. This package includes important documents for croscore fonts
  59. includes enduser license.
  60. %description -l ja doc
  61. このパッケージには croscore フォントのライセンスを含む
  62. ドキュメント類が含まれています。
  63. %prep
  64. %setup -q -n croscorefonts-%{version}
  65. cp -p %{SOURCE1} .
  66. %build
  67. %install
  68. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  69. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_fontdir}
  70. cp -a *.ttf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_fontdir}
  71. %clean
  72. if test -n "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" && test "/" != "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"; then
  73. rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
  74. fi
  75. %post sans
  76. %__font_install_post %{_fontdir}
  77. %post mono
  78. %__font_install_post %{_fontdir}
  79. %post serif
  80. %__font_install_post %{_fontdir}
  81. %postun sans
  82. %__font_install_postun %{_fontdir}
  83. %postun mono
  84. %__font_install_postun %{_fontdir}
  85. %postun serif
  86. %__font_install_postun %{_fontdir}
  87. %files
  88. %files doc
  89. %doc LICENSE
  90. %files sans
  91. %{_fontdir}/Arimo*.ttf
  92. %files mono
  93. %{_fontdir}/Cousine*.ttf
  94. %files serif
  95. %{_fontdir}/SymbolNeu.ttf
  96. %{_fontdir}/Tinos*.ttf
  97. %changelog
  98. * Mon Jan 13 2014 TANAKA hiroaki <> 1.23.0-2
  99. - built with gcc-4.8
  100. * Fri Nov 02 2012 Toshiharu Kudoh <> - 1.23.0-1
  101. - new upstream release
  102. - added Source1
  103. * Fri Jul 27 2012 Toshiharu Kudoh <> - 1.21.0-1
  104. - initial build for VineSeed