Эх сурвалжийг харах

updated 5 packages






git-svn-id: http://trac.vinelinux.org/repos/projects/specs@12368 ec354946-7b23-47d6-9f5a-488ba84defc7
tomop 4 жил өмнө

+ 13 - 8

@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
 Name:           hddtemp
 Version:        0.3
-Release:        0.35.%{beta}%{?_dist_release}
+Release:        0.36.%{beta}%{?_dist_release}%{?with_systemd:.systemd}
 Summary:        Hard disk temperature tool
 Summary(ja):    HDD温度測定ツール
+Vendor:         Project Vine
+Distribution:   Vine Linux
 License:        GPLv2+
 URL:            http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/hddtemp/
 Source0:        http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/hddtemp/%{name}-%{version}-%{beta}.tar.bz2
 Source1:        %{name}.db
 Source2:        %{name}.service
@@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ Patch1:         http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/h/hddtemp/hddtemp_0.3-bet
 Patch2:         %{name}-0.3-beta15-autodetect-717479.patch
 Patch3:         0001-Allow-binding-to-a-listen-address-that-doesn-t-exist.patch
 Patch4:         fix-model-length.patch
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1555871
+Patch5:         %{name}-user-context-type.patch
 BuildRequires:  gettext
 %if %{with systemd}
@@ -36,10 +40,6 @@ Requires(postun): systemd
 Requires:       %{_bindir}/consolehelper
-Vendor: Project Vine
-Distribution: Vine Linux
-Packager: tomop
 hddtemp is a tool that gives you the temperature of your hard drive by
 reading S.M.A.R.T. information.
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ reading S.M.A.R.T. information.
 %patch3 -p1
 %patch0 -p1
 %patch4 -p1
+%patch5 -p1
 sed -i -e 's|/etc/hddtemp.db|/usr/share/misc/hddtemp.db|' doc/hddtemp.8
 chmod -x contribs/analyze/*
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ make %{?_smp_mflags}
 install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/misc/hddtemp.db
 %if %{with systemd}
-#install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}/hddtemp.service
+install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}/hddtemp.service
 install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/hddtemp
 install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
@@ -95,7 +96,8 @@ install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE5} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/
 %files -f %{name}.lang
-%doc ChangeLog changelog.debian COPYING README TODO contribs/
+%license COPYING
+%doc ChangeLog changelog.debian README TODO contribs/
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/hddtemp
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/hddtemp
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/hddtemp
@@ -109,6 +111,9 @@ install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE5} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/
+* Wed Apr 08 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> - 0.3-0.36.beta15
+- imported Patch5 from rawhide.
 * Sun Apr 24 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> - 0.3-0.35.beta15
 - initial build for Vine Linux.

+ 18 - 12

@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 Summary: Hardware information listing tool
 Summary(ja): ハードウェア情報表示ツール
-Name:    lshw
-Version: B.02.16
-Release: 2%{?_dist_release}
-License: GPLv2
-Group:   Applications/System
-URL:     http://ezix.org/project/wiki/HardwareLiSter
+Name:           lshw
+Version:        B.02.19.2
+Release:        1%{?_dist_release}
+Group:          Applications/System
+License:        GPLv2
+URL:            http://ezix.org/project/wiki/HardwareLiSter
+Vendor:         Project Vine
+Distribution:   Vine Linux
+Packager:       daisuke
 Source0: http://www.ezix.org/software/files/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
 Source1: lshw.desktop
@@ -16,10 +19,7 @@ BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
 BuildRequires: sqlite3-devel
 BuildRequires: gtk2-devel >= 2.4
 BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-Vendor: Project Vine
-Distribution: Vine Linux
-Packager: daisuke
+BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
 lshw (Hardware Lister) is a small tool to provide detailed informaton on 
@@ -90,12 +90,15 @@ desktop-file-install --vendor ""  \
 %{__install} -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE3} \
+%find_lang %{name}
 %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
+%files -f %{name}.lang
 %defattr(-, root, root, -)
-%doc COPYING README docs/*
+%license COPYING
+%doc README docs/*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man1/lshw.1*
 %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
@@ -116,6 +119,9 @@ desktop-file-install --vendor ""  \
+* Wed Apr 08 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> B.02.19.2
+- new upstream release.
 * Fri Sep 02 2016 Toshiaki Ara <ara_t@384.jp> B.02.16-2
 - rebuild with gcc-5.4.0

+ 11 - 9

@@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
 Summary:        Library for neighbor discovery protocol
 Name:           libndp
-Version:        1.6
+Version:        1.7
 Release:        1%{?_dist_release}
 Group:          System Environment/Libraries
+Vendor:         Project Vine
+Distribution:   Vine Linux
 License:        LGPLv2.1
 URL:            http://libndp.org/
-Source0:        http://libndp.org/files/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source0:        https://github.com/jpirko/libndp/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
-Vendor: Project Vine
-Distribution: Vine Linux
-Packager: Takemikaduchi
 This package contains a library which provides a wrapper for IPv6
 Neighbor Discovery Protocol. It also provides a tool named ndptool
@@ -37,10 +35,10 @@ Header files and libraries for building a extension library for the
 %setup -q
 %configure \
 make %{?_smp_mflags}
@@ -59,7 +57,8 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+%license COPYING
+%doc README
@@ -72,6 +71,9 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+* Wed Apr 08 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> 1.7-1
+- new upstream release.
 * Wed Jun 15 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> 1.6-1
 - new upstream release.

+ 8 - 7

@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 %define build_compat32 %{?_with_compat32:1}%{!?_with_compat32:0}
 %{!?_pkgdocdir:%global _pkgdocdir %{_docdir}}
-%define version 1.1.1e
-%define release 1%{_dist_release}
 # 1.0.0 soversion = 10
 # 1.1.0 soversion = 1.1 (same as upstream although presence of some symbols
 #                        depends on build configuration options)
@@ -11,8 +9,8 @@
 Summary: Secure Sockets Layer Toolkit
 Name: openssl
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %{release}
+Version: 1.1.1f
+Release: 1%{_dist_release}
 # We have to remove certain patented algorithms from the openssl source
 # tarball with the hobble-openssl script which is included below.
 # The original openssl upstream tarball cannot be shipped in the .src.rpm.
@@ -28,7 +26,7 @@ Source12: ec_curve.c
 Source13: ectest.c
 # Build changes
-Patch1: openssl-1.1.1-build.patch
+Patch1: openssl-1.1.1f-build.patch
 Patch2: openssl-1.1.0-defaults.patch
 Patch3: openssl-1.1.0-no-html.patch
 Patch4: openssl-1.1.1-man-rename.patch
@@ -55,7 +53,6 @@ Patch50: openssl-1.1.1-ssh-kdf.patch
 Patch51: openssl-1.1.1-upstream-sync.patch
 Patch52: openssl-1.1.1-s390x-update.patch
 Patch53: openssl-1.1.1-fips-crng-test.patch
-Patch54: openssl-1.1.1-regression-fixes.patch
 # security fix
 # none
@@ -179,7 +176,6 @@ cp %{SOURCE13} test/
 %if %{with fips}
 %patch53 -p1 -b .crng-test
-%patch54 -p1 -b .regression
 # security fix
 # none
@@ -441,6 +437,11 @@ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 %postun -n compat32-%{name} -p /sbin/ldconfig
+* Wed Apr 08 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> 1.1.1f-1
+- new upstream release.
+- updated Patch1.
+- dropped Patch54: fixed in upstream.
 * Wed Mar 18 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> 1.1.1e-1
 - new upstream release.
 - dropped Patch100 and 1000: fixed in upstream.

+ 61 - 1346

@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+%bcond_with systemd
 Summary:	smartmontools - for monitoring S.M.A.R.T. disks and devices
 Summary(ja):	smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T.ディスクとデバイスの監視
 Name:		smartmontools
-Version:	6.5
-Release:	1%{?_dist_release}
+Version:	7.1
+Release:	1%{?_dist_release}%{?with_systemd:.systemd}
 License:	GPLv2+
 Group:		Applications/System
 URL:		http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/
@@ -10,16 +12,26 @@ Vendor:         Project Vine
 Distribution:   Vine Linux
 Source0:	http://downloads.sourceforge.net/smartmontools/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source1:	ChangeLog.upstream
+Source2:	smartmontools.sysconfig
+Source3:	smartd.init
 Patch0:		smartmontools-5.42-vinerelease.patch
 BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
 Obsoletes:	smartctl
 Obsoletes:	smartd
 Obsoletes:	ucsc-smartsuite
 Obsoletes:	smartsuite
-Requires(post):	/sbin/chkconfig
-Requires:	fileutils chkconfig
+Requires:	fileutils
 BuildRequires:	readline-devel ncurses-devel automake util-linux groff gettext
+%if %{with systemd}
+BuildRequires:  systemd systemd-devel
+Requires(post):	/sbin/chkconfig
+Requires: chkconfig
 #Packager:       Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
 # Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
 # Home page: http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/
@@ -86,8 +98,16 @@ done
 autoreconf -i
-%configure --without-selinux
-make CXXFLAGS="%{optflags} -fpie" LDFLAGS="-pie -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now"
+%configure \
+	--without-selinux \
+%if %{with systemd}
+	--with-libsystemd \
+	--with-systemdsystemunitdir=%{_unitdir} \
+	--with-systemdenvfile=%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name} \
+	%{nil}
+%make_build CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fpie" LDFLAGS="-pie -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now"
@@ -101,9 +121,20 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{_docdir}/%{name}
 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/smartd_warning.d
+%if %{with systemd}
+install -D -p -m 644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/smartmontools
+rm -rf %{buildroot}/etc/{rc.d,init.d}
+rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d
+install -m755 %{SOURCE3} -p %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd
 rm -rf %{buildroot}
+%if !%{with systemd}
 if [ ! -f /etc/smartd.conf ]; then
 	echo "Note that you can use a configuration file /etc/smartd.conf to control the"
@@ -119,8 +150,12 @@ if [ $printmessage -ne 0 ] ; then
 	echo "smartd will continue to start up on system boot"
+%if %{with systemd}
+%systemd_post smartd.service
 # if smartd is already running, restart it with the new daemon
 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/smartd ]; then
         /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd restart 1>&2
@@ -129,10 +164,13 @@ else
 # else tell the user how to start it
         echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd start\" to start smartd service now."
+%if %{with systemd}
+%systemd_preun smartd.service%else
 # if uninstalling the final copy, stop and remove any links	
-if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
+if [ "$1" = "0" -o -x /bin/systemctl ]; then
   if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/smartd ]; then
     /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd stop 1>&2
     echo "Stopping smartd services"
@@ -147,6 +185,12 @@ if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
     echo "Removing chkconfig links to smartd boot-time startup scripts"
+%if %{with systemd}
+%systemd_postun_with_restart smartd.service
@@ -159,9 +203,14 @@ fi
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/smartd
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/smartctl
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/update-smart-drivedb
-%attr(755,root,root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd
 %attr(644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man?/*
+%if %{with systemd}
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/smartmontools
+%attr(755,root,root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd
 # Maintainers / Developers Key:
 # [BA] Bruce Allen
@@ -181,6 +230,10 @@ fi
 # [PW] Phil Williams
+* Wed Apr 08 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> 7.1-1
+- new upstream release.
+- shrank %%changelog: old logs are ChangeLog.upstream.
 * Tue Jul  5 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> 6.5-1
 - new upstream release.
@@ -220,1341 +273,3 @@ fi
 - moved install-time "chkconfig --list" from %post to %pre
 - add Summary(ja) and description -l ja
 - remove Summary and description other than English and Japanese
-* Fri Sep 10 2004 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [BA] smartctl: ATA disks, if SMART ATTRIBUTE THRESHOLDS page has ID
-       errors with some Attributes having NULL IDs, print Attribute
-       info anyway (but issuing a warning to the user).
-  [DG] [SCSI] Decode Last n error events log page; decode track following
-       and positioning errors [Hitachi]
-  [EM] FreeBSD: another tweak, __packed__ introduced in Version 5.0040
-  [EM] Cleaner tweak of fixes for FreeBSD 4.x.
-  [EM] Fix compilation errors under FreeBSD 4.x, as it is still using
-       and old GCC
-  [EM] Remove 3ware/FreeBSD specific files and just include pieces we need
-  [DG] Add logic in smartd to detect 3ware, Marvell controllers and SATA
-       disks behind an ATA-SCSI simulator (in Linux). If specific device
-       types are not given and they are picked in a general SCSI device
-       scan then warn and skip.
-  [GG] insert correct path to smartd into smartd's init script
-  [BA] Changed all default paths in documentation to reflect /usr/local as
-       default path prefix.  This affects on-line man pages, primarily.
-  [DS] Added support for OpenBSD.
-  [BA] Added another environment variable SMART_FULLMESSAGE set by
-       the smartd mailing feature, and modified examplescripts/Example1
-       to illustrate it.
-  [BA] Fixed potentially misleading messages of the form:
-       XXX failed: success
-  [DG] emit warning if SATA disk detected using libata in Linux; then exit
-  [PW] Added Seagate U10 family, Hitachi Travelstar 7K60, Fujitsu MHR2020AT,
-       and QUANTUM FIREBALLP AS20.5 to knowndrives table.
-  [DG] Detect 3ware and Marvell controllers from SCSI INQUIRY vendor string
-       and suggest usage of appropriate '-d' argument in smartctl.
-  [LW] Tested the RELEASE_5_33_WITH_MARVELL_SUPPORT branch on
-       actual Marvell 88SX5041 hardware, with success.
-       Merged into HEAD.
-  [BA] Fixed nasty DEVICESCAN bug
-  [BA] Checked in RELEASE_5_33_WITH_MARVELL_SUPPORT branch with
-       some Marvell support.
-  [BA] Additional modifications of Ed's controller scheme.  Fixed
-       broken 3ware support under linux, problems with scanning
-       devices in smartd, and other small problems.
-  [EM] Minor change to FreeBSD inclusion of 'twe' include files.  Add 
-       code to check if they exising in /usr/include/sys to use those
-       in preference to ones added here
-  [EM] Very preliminary support attempt for 3Ware controllers under 
-       FreeBSD. Also, switched 'escalade_type/escalade_port' to
-       'controler_type/controller_port' and moved away from 
-       'tryata/tryscsi' to using new 'controller*' variables to 
-       determine which controller type (ATA/SCSI/3Ware) to use.
-  [GK] Added initscript support for Darwin.
-  [CF] Windows smartd: Added ability to run smartd as a windows service,
-       including new commands "smartd install ..." and "smartd remove"
-       to install and remove the service registry entry.
-  [BA] smartd: warn user if -s regexp regular expression contains
-       characters other than 0123456789.*()|+?[-]{}:=SLCO since such
-       characters are 'suspicous' and may indicate a poorly formed
-       regexp.  Extended regular expression gurus: can this list be
-       reduced somewhat?
-  [CF] Fixed bug in Windows smartd: Missing close of config file when
-       configuration is reloaded by smartd daemon.
-  [CF] Windows smartd: Added mail warning feature using the "Blat"
-       (http://blat.sourceforge.net/) mailer as a default.
-  [PW] Added Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 5120 Ultra ATA 33 series and TOSHIBA
-       MK3017GAP to knowndrives table.
-  [CF] Added fixes to build smartmontools on old Linux systems
-       (libc < 6, Kernel 2.0.x).
-  [BA] Added ATA minor version identity strings for latest ATA specification
-       updates: ATA/ATAPI-7 T13 1532D revision 4a and ATA/ATAPI-6 published,
-       ANSI INCITS 361-2002
-  [PW] Added Hitachi Travelstar 5K80 family and Fujitsu MHTxxxxAH family to
-       knowndrives table.
-  [EM] Fix up compilation under FreeBSD < 5.x
-  [PW] Added QUANTUM FIREBALL EX3.2A and missing Western Digital Caviar SE
-       drives to knowndrives table.
-  [BA] Modified Hitachi Travelstar 80GN family regexp in drive database.
-       Thanks to [GK/CF] for problem & solution.
-  [GK] Added os_darwin.[ch]
-  [PW] Added the following drives to the knowndrives table: IBM Travelstar
-       48GH, 30GN, and 15GN family; IBM Deskstar 37GP and 34GXP family;
-       Western Digital WDC WD272AA; Maxtor DiamondMax D540X-4D family;
-       TOSHIBA MK2016GAP, MK2018GAP, MK2018GAS, MK2023GAS; and
-  [BA] smartd/smarctl now print build HOST/OS information as part
-       of startup slogan.  This should make it slightly easier to
-       read bug reports from users.
-  [RZ] Fixed the DEVICESCAN to do what it was supposed to do - give
-       error message unless scanning is in progress.  
-  [BA] Update documentation to describe 3ware character devices. Better
-       error detection for missing/malfunctioning devices behind 3ware
-       controllers. Now pack 3ware ioctl structures explicitly.
-  [BA] For ATA devices that support LBA mode, print capacity as part
-       of smartctl --info
-  [RZ] Made DEVICESCAN quiet about non-existing devices unless debug
-       is on.
-  [DG] treat "unit attention" SCSI warning as try again in some contexts
-       (test unit ready and mode sense)
-  [BA] on drives that store max/min rather than min/max, get order
-       correct in printing temp.
-  [BA] fixed typo in 'smartctl -h' output.  Thanks to Gabor Z. Papp.
-  [BA] linux: clean-up to 3ware/AMCC support; dynamically create
-       or fix /dev/tw[ae][0-15] device node entries if they don't
-       exist or are incorrect. One can now use the character devices
-       /dev/twe[0-15] OR /dev/sd? for 3ware 6000/7000/8000 series
-       cards.  One must use /dev/twa[0-15] for 3ware 9000 series cards.
-       Note that selective self-tests now work via /dev/tw[ae] devices.
-       Next step: documentation.
-  [BA] linux: experimental "support" for 3ware/AMCC 9000 series
-       controllers that use the 3w-9xxx driver.  This will be in a
-       state of flux for a few days.  Note that this requires the
-       character interface /dev/twa[0-15].
-  [DG] linux: extend general SCSI OS interface to use the SG_IO ioctl. If
-       not available, use the older SCSI_IOCTL_SEND_COMMAND ioctl.
-  [KS] Solaris/x86: fixed system identification problem in configure
-       script.  Thanks to Stuart Swales.
-* Mon Jul 5 2004 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [BA] Update link to revised/updated IBM Deskstar Firmware
-  [CF] Cygwin & Windows: Added missing ASPI manager initialization
-       with GetASPI32SupportInfo(). Thanks to Nikolai SAOUKH for pointing
-       this out and providing a patch.
-  [BA] modified smartd init script to work on whitebox (thanks to
-       Michael Falzon)
-  [BA] removed (reverted) additional Attribute definitions from
-       http://smart.friko.pl/attributes.php.  All (or most?) of these
-       appear to be return code values for the WD Digital Life Guard Utility.
-  [PW] Added Seagate Medalist 17242, 13032, 10232, 8422, and 4312 to
-       knowndrives table.  Added missing Seagate U Series 5 drives.
-  [PW] Added the following QUANTUM models to knowndrives table:
-       FIREBALLP LM15, FIREBALLP LM30, and FIREBALLlct20 30
-  [PW] Added missing Western Digital Protege drives to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added Maxtor DiamondMax 40 ATA 66 series and DiamondMax 40 VL Ultra
-       ATA 100 series to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added the following Hitachi/IBM drives to knowndrives table:
-       HITACHI_DK14FA-20B, Travelstar 40GNX series, Travelstar 4LP series,
-       and Travelstar DK23XXB series.  Added the missing Travelstar 80GN
-       drives.
-  [PW] Added Fujitsu MPB series and MPG series to knowndrives table.  Added
-       the missing Fujitsu MHSxxxxAT drives.
-  [KS] Solaris: added workaround for dynamic change of time-zone.
-  [KS] Solaris: fixed problem that autogen.sh cannot detect absence of
-       auto* tools.
-  [BA] smartd: added time-zone bug information to man page. 
-       Reverted CF code for _WIN32 case. 
-  [CF] Cygwin & Windows: Added better error messages on IDE/ATA device
-       open error.
-  [BA] added additional Attribute definitions from
-       http://smart.friko.pl/attributes.php
-  [BA] smartd: reworked TimeZone bug workaround so it is only invoked
-       for glibc.  Note: this might not be right -- a similar bug may
-       exist in other platform's libcs.
-  [DG] SCSI smartmontools documentation updated [2004/5/6]. See:
-       http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/smartmontools_scsi.html
-  [CF] Windows: Fixed reset of TZ=GMT in glibc timezone bug workaround.
-* Tue May 4 2004 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [DG] move SCSI device temperature and start-stop log page output
-       (smartctl) into --attributes section (was in --info section).
-  [GG] change default installation location to /usr/local
-  [CF] Cygwin smartd: Fixed crash on access of SCSI devices after fork().
-  [PW] Added TOSHIBA MK4018GAS and the following Maxtor drive families
-       to knowndrives table: DiamondMax D540X-4G, Fireball 541DX,
-       DiamondMax 3400 Ultra ATA, DiamondMax Plus 6800 Ultra ATA 66.
-  [PW] Added missing Maxtor DiamondMax 16, DiamondMax D540X-4K, and
-       DiamondMax Plus 45 Ulta ATA 100 drives to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added ExcelStor J240, Hitachi Travelstar 80GN family, Fujitsu
-       MHTxxxxAT family, and IBM Deskstar 25GP and 22GXP families to
-       knowndrives table.
-  [CF] Cygwin smartd: Added workaround for missing SIGQUIT via keyboard:
-       To exit smartd in debug mode, type CONTROL-C twice.
-  [BA] smartctl: printing of the selective self-test log is now
-       controlled by a new option: -l selective
-  [BA] Added entries for Samsung firmware versions -25 to -39 based
-       on latest info about firmware bug fixes.
-  [PW] Added Seagate U Series X family, Seagate U8 family, and Seagate
-       Medalist 8641 family to knowndrives table.
-  [CF] smartd: Added exit values 5/6 for missing/unreadable config file.
-  [BA] smartd: now monitor the Current Pending Sector count (Attribute 197)
-       and the Offline Pending Sector Count (Attribute 198).  Log a
-       warning (and send an email, if so configured) if the raw count
-       is nonzero.  These are controlled by new Directives: -C and -U.
-       Currently they are enabled by default.
-  [CF] Added option -c FILE, --configfile=FILE to smartd to specify
-       an alternate configuration FILE or '-' for standard input.
-  [KS] configure.in now searches for -lnsl and -lsocket for Solaris.
-  [CF] Win32/native smartd: Added thread to combine several syslog output
-       lines into one single event log entry.
-  [CF] Win32 smartd: Added DEVICESCAN for SCSI/ASPI devices.
-  [GG] Use gethostbyname() the get the DNS domain since getdomainname() 
-       returns the NIS domain when sending mails from smartd.
-  [GG] smartd.init.in: pass smartd_opts to smartd on startup, read distribution
-       specific configuration files if found
-  [SS] smartctl: added NetBSD support for Selective Self-tests.
-  [BA] smartd.conf example configuration file now has all examples
-       commented out except for 'DEVICESCAN'.
-  [CF] Win32/native smartd: Added ability to display warning "emails"
-       as message box by "-m msgbox" directive. With "-m sysmsgbox",
-       a system modal (always on top) message box is shown.
-  [BA] smartctl: printing of self-test log for disks that support
-       Selective self-testing now shows the status of the (optional)
-       read-scan after the selective self test.  Also, changed format
-       in printing self-test log to print failing LBA in base 10 not
-       base 16 (more compatible with kernel error messages).  Also,
-       in printing SMART error log, print timestamps in format
-       days+hours+minutes+seconds.
-  [CF] Win32 smartd: Added ability to log to stdout/stderr
-       (-l local1/2). Toggling debug console still works
-       if stdout is redirected.
-  [BA] smartctl: selective self-test log, print current status
-       in a  more detailed way.  Allow writing of selective self-test
-       log provided that no other self-test is underway.
-  [BA] Linux: eliminated dependency on kernel tree hdreg.h.
-  [BA] smartctl: -l selftest option now prints Selective self-test
-       log in addition to the normal self-test log.
-       Added additional options (-t pending, -t afterselect) to
-       control remaining Selective Self-test capabilities.  Tested
-       with several Maxtor disks. Modified error message printing
-       so that munged option messages print at the end not the
-       start of output.
-  [CF] Added daemon support to Win32 native version of smartd.
-       The daemon can be controlled by commands similar to initd
-       scripts: "smartd status|stop|reload|restart|sigusr1|sigusr2".
-  [CF] Added minor support for option "-l local[0-7]" to Win32 native
-       (not Cygwin) version of smartd. If specified, the log output
-       is written to file "./smartd[1-7]?.log" instead of event log.
-  [BA] Added Selective Self-test to smartctl (-t selective,M-N).
-       Currently only supported under Linux; Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD
-       and Windows developers must add WRITE LOG functionality to
-       os_*.c
-  [BA] Added workaround for an annoying glibc bug: if you change
-       timezones, (eg, flying with a laptop from USA to Europe)
-       localtime() does not notice this in a running
-       executable, so time that appears in the system log (syslog!)
-       will be incorrect.  See
-       http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=48184
-       for additional examples of this bug.
-  [DG] Set explicit timeouts for SCSI commands (most default to 6 seconds).
-       Previously a 0 second timeout was meant to be interpreted as a 
-       default timeout but the FreeBSD port had a problem in this area.
-  [CF] Fixed un-thread-safe exit signal handler for Win32
-  [BA] Fixed un-thread-safe exit signal handler pointed out
-       by CF.
-  [BA] Changed configure script to eliminate warnings under
-       Solaris from sys/int_type.h conflicts with int64.h
-       Added header files for umask to smartd.c.
-  [BA] Man page format change from Werner LEMBERG.  " " changed to \&
-  [CF] Added os_win32/syslogevt.* event message file tool for Win32
-       smartd (native+cygwin). May also be useful for other cygwin
-       programs writing to syslog().
-  [CF] Added Win32 version of smartd
-  [CF] Merged RELEASE_5_26_WIN32_BRANCH
-  [BA] Made some changes to man page markup suggested by
-       Richard Verhoeven to work around bugs in man2html.
-       Tested not to break anything under Linux and Solaris.
-  [CF] Moved PrintOut() from utility.c to smart{ctl,d}.c to avoid
-       syslog() output of smartctl.
-  [BA] Grew worried that some time-zone names could be very long (eg,
-       Mitteleuropaische Zeit) and put date string lengths into a
-       single macro in utility.c
-  [EM] Updated os_freebsd.c to handle older versions of FreeBSD in a 
-       more appropriate/obvious fashion.
-  [EM] Modified autogen.sh as FreeBSD installs automake 1.7 as 
-       'automake17' and NOT 'automake-1.7'
-* Sat Mar 6 2004 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [PW] Added QUANTUM FIREBALLlct15 30, QUANTUM FIREBALLlct20 40, and
-       Maxtor 6Y060P0 (DiamondMax Plus 9 60GB) to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added Maxtor MaXLine II family to knowndrives table (thanks to
-       Brett Russ for submitting the patch).
-  [BA] Added remaining read/write commands to detailed list of
-       error log commands that have text descriptions of problem
-       printed.  For commands that support it, print number of failed
-       sectors at problem LBA.
-  [BA] Made SuSE section of smartd init script more SuSE 9 compatible.
-       Thanks to Hans-Peter Jansen.
-  [CF] Windows smartd: Added IDE/ATA device scan
-       Added windows device names to smartctl.8.in, smartd.8.in
-  [BA] smartctl/smartd: user-provided '-F samsung' and '-F samsung2'
-       command line options/Directives did NOT over-ride preset values
-       unless user specified '-P ignore'.  Now they will always over-ride
-       preset values from the database.
-  [BA] Added error decoding for a few more READ and WRITE commands.
-  [PW] Added Maxtor MaXLine Plus II, Western Digital Caviar SE (Serial ATA)
-       series, Hitachi Deskstar 7K250 series, and Ultra ATA 66 models of
-       the Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 series to knowndrives table.
-  [BA] Added Maxtor Diamondmax 250 GB drives to database.  Note that
-       these model numbers are not listed in Maxtor documentation, but
-       they exist.
-  [BA] Removed the 'contact developers' phrase from the Samsung disk
-       warning messages.
-  [PW] Added TOSHIBA MK2017GAP, IBM Deskstar 14GXP and 16GP series,
-       Fujitsu MPC series, Seagate Barracuda ATA III family, and missing
-       Seagate Barracuda U Series drives to knowndrives table
-  [BA] smartd: wrong loglevel for message: Configuration file
-       /etc/smartd.conf parsed.  Changed to LOG_INFO from LOG_CRIT.
-       Thanks to  Emmanuel CHANTREAU for the report.
-  [CF] Checked in development version of windows code base.
-* Tue Feb 24 2004 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [BA] smartd: configure script did not set correct directory to search for
-       smartd.conf based on --prefix argument to ./configure.  Thanks to
-       GG for identifying the problem and fix.
-  [BA] make clean now removes man pages (generated from *.in) files as well
-       as object files.
-  [EM] Correct copying of sense data in FreeBSD SCSI implementation. Thanks
-       to Sergey Svishchev for noticing the bug.
-  [BA] On solaris, wrong warning message if no ATA support.  Warning message
-       concerns 3ware controller, not ATA.
-  [SS] Added SCSI support for NetBSD.
-  [BA] on big-endian linux machines, fixed interpretation of HDIO_GET_IDENTITY
-       to correctly identify ATAPI bit (was byte swapped).  This should
-       eliminate some SYSLOG noise if user queries a packet device (eg, CD
-       ROM or DVD reader).
-  [PW] Removed warning for IBM Deskstar 40GV & 75GXP series drives with
-       A5AA/A6AA firmware.  Thanks to Gerald Schnabel.
-  [PW] Added Toshiba TOS MK3019GAXB SUN30G to knowndrives table
-  [PW] Added Western Digital Caviar AC12500, AC24300, AC25100, AC36400,
-       and AC38400 to knowndrives table
-  [BA] When printing ATA error log, print the LBA at which READ
-       or WRITE commands failed.
-  [BA] Changed syntax of error message in smartctl
-  [BA] Added versioning info (-V options to smartd/smartctl) for
-       Solaris ATA module.
-* Thu Feb 12 2004 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [KS] Added ATA/IDE support for Solaris/SPARC (ATA/IDE not yet for
-       Solaris/x86).
-  [BA] 3ware controllers: documented that one can monitor any of the
-       physical disks from any of the 3ware /dev/sd? logical devices.
-       Better warnings if querying a disk that does not exist.
-  [PW] Added Hitachi Travelstar DK23DA series, Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40
-       series, Western Digital Caviar WDxxxAA, WDxxxBA, and WDxxxAB series
-       to knowndrives table
-  [BA] missing 'pragma pack' on ATA IDENIFY DEVICE structure may have
-       caused odd or incorrect results on 64-bit machines.
-  [BA] smartctl/smartd allow inspection of self-test and error logs even
-       if disk firmware claims that these don't exist.  This is needed
-       for some Maxtor disks whose firmware does not indicate log support
-       even though the disk DOES support it.
-  [BA] Improved porting instructions and documentation in os_generic.c
-  [PW] Add Western Digital Caviar WD136AA and SAMSUNG SP40A2H (RR100-07
-       firmware) to knowndrives table.
-  [EM] FreeBSD:	remove extra definition of FreeNonZero
-  [BA] smartctl: the -q silent option was printing output for some
-       error conditions.  Fixed.  Will rename relevant variables to help
-       avoid these errors in the future.
-  [SS] NetBSD port added.
-  [BA] more sensible error messages for devfs and devfs-like systems.
-       Instead of saying that the DIRECTORY does not exist, say that
-       the DEVICE does not exist.
-  [BA] smartd: added -n Directive, to prevent disk spin-up depending
-       upon the power mode (SLEEP, STANDBY, or IDLE).
-  [PW] Added Maxtor DiamondMax 20 VL series, Fujitsu MPF series,
-       Maxtor DiamondMax 36 series, Maxtor DiamondMax 4320 series, and
-       Maxtor DiamondMax 536DX series to knowndrives table.
-  [BA] many warning messages now give the file name AND VERSION
-  [BA] smartd: when the user provides multiple address recipients
-       to the '-m' Directive in a comma-delineated list, the commas
-       are stripped out before passing the list of addresses to the
-       mailer program. (Thanks to Calin A. Culianu for pointing this out
-       and providing a patch.)
-  [BA] smartd: when the '-M exec path' Directive is used, any stdout OR
-       stderr output from the executable "path" is assumed to indicate a
-       problem, and is echoed to SYSLOG.
-  [BA] Added all missing IBM/Hitachi Deskstar 180GXP models to knowndrives
-       table.
-  [PW] Added some missing IBM/Hitachi Deskstar 120GXP models to knowndrives
-       table.
-  [PW] Added IBM Travelstar 14GS to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Modified knowndrives table to match entire Hitachi Travelstar
-       DK23BA and DK23EA series of drives (thanks to Norikatsu Shigemura
-       for submitting the patch).
-  [PW] Added some missing Fujitsu MPE series drives to knowndrives table.
-       FIREBALLlct15 20 to knowndrives table.
-  [EM] Fixup example command output for FreeBSD
-  [PW] Added Maxtor DiamondMax 80 family to knowndrives table.
-  [EM] Catch up FreeBSD code to switch PROJECTHOME to PACKAGE_HOMEPAGE
-       macros.
-  [BA] smartd: now watches stdout/stderr when trying to run mail, mailx
-       or mail warning script, and reports any output to SYSLOG.  This
-       gives a clearer error message if something is wrong.
-  [BA] smartd: Solaris init script modified to accomodate grep that
-       lacks '-q' quiet option.  Also check for running process to kill
-       on stop.
-  [PW] Added some missing Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 and 7200.7 Plus drives
-       to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 60 family and Seagate U Series 5 20413
-       to knowndrives table.
-  [BA] smartd: under Solaris, made default mailer be 'mailx' not
-       'mail', since Solaris 'mail' does not accept a '-s' argument.
-       A workaround for Solaris users of earlier versions is to
-       have '-M exec /bin/mailx' in their smartd.conf config file.
-  [DG] some SCSI controllers don't like odd length transfers so make
-       sure LOG SENSE transfers are rounded up to an even number when
-       and odd length is reported (i.e. there is a double fetch, the
-       first to find the length, the second gets the data)
-  [BA] smartd man pages: under Solaris, correct section numbers in the
-       'See also' section.
-  [KS/BA] smartd man page: describe how to set Solaris syslog.conf
-       file to catch all messages.  Give correct Solaris SYSLOG default
-       path /var/adm/messages in man pages.
-  [BA] smartd: incorporated Debian startup script submitted by user.
-  [BA] smartctl: modified printing of self-test log entry number.  Seagate
-       firmware can leave 'holes' in the self-test log while a test is
-       actually running.  We now print entry numbers consistently in this
-       case, not assuming that entries are contiguous.
-  [PW] Added QUANTUM FIREBALL CX10.2A and Western Digital Caviar AC23200L
-       to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added QUANTUM FIREBALLlct20 20 to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added Maxtor DiamondMax Plus D740X family to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added IBM Travelstar 32GH, 30GT, and 20GN family to knowndrives
-       table.
-  [BA] Slackware init script modified to search for /etc/slackware-version
-       rather than /etc/slackware-release.
-  [PW] Added Seagate Barracuda ATA II family and TOSHIBA MK4019GAXB to
-       knowndrives table.
-  [GG] explain howto use autoreconf in autogen.sh
-  [KS] Makefile.am/configure.in: changed manual page sections for
-       Solaris.
-  [BA] smartd: reduced number of scheduled self-test messages if
-       test already run in current hour.
-  [PW] Added Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 8 family to knowndrives table.
-  [BA] linux: check for linux/hdreg.h.  If it's there, use it. If
-       not, provide the necessary definitions ourselves.
-  [PW] Removed warning for IBM Deskstar 40GV & 75GXP series drives
-       with TXAOA5AA firmware
-  [PW] Added IBM Travelstar 25GS, 18GT, and 12GN family to knowndrives
-       table.
-  [PW] Added IBM/Hitachi Travelstar 60GH & 40GN family to knowndrives
-       table.
-  [BA] smartd: made '-s' Directive more efficient.  Now store
-       compiled regex, and re-use.  If device lacks certain self-test
-       capabilities, track it and don't try again.
-  [BA] smartd: made memory allocation for device lists completely
-       dynamic (eliminating compile-time maximum length constants).
-  [PW] Removed warning for SAMSUNG SP0802N with TK100-23 firmware
-  [PW] Added Seagate Barracuda ATA IV family to knowndrives table.
-  [BA] smartd: reduce per-device memory footprint by making
-       mail-warning info dynamically allocated.  Also remove
-       potential memory leak if use has -m Directive twice and
-       keeps reloading the config file (highly unlikely this would
-       ever be noticed!)  
-  [DG] smartd: added SCSI scheduled self-tests (Background
-       short or extended).
-  [BA] smartd: can now run scheduled offline immediate and
-       self-tests.  See man page and -s Directive for details.
-  [GG] don't include manpages in make-dist-tarball.
-  [BA] smartctl: on-line examples given with -h are now correct
-       for solaris and linux, but wrong for freebsd.  Ed?
-  [BA] smartd: man page now explains device scanning for solaris as
-       well as linux and freebsd.
-  [BA] smartd/smartctl: man pages now report correct CVS tag release
-       date, and executables '-V' options reports more build info.
-* Sat Nov 29 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [BA] Improved user messages that appear from 'make install'
-  [PW] Removed warning for SAMSUNG SP1213N with firmware TL100-23
-  [BA] incorporated SuSE init script from user.
-  [DG] if SCSI device is read only, then open it read only.
-  [BA] when compiled on non-supported system (NOT linux, freebsd or solaris) then
-       the run-time error messages now clearly say 'your system is not supported'
-       and give clear directions.
-  [BA] ./configure script now works correctly on SuSE linux boxes
-  [BA] minor improvements to man pages
-  [BA] simplified detection of packet (ATAPI, CD) devices.
-  [BA] init script (redhat, mandrake, yellowdog) now uses correct
-       strings for translation and is slightly more standard.
-  [DG] smartctl: output scsi Seagate vendor pages for disks (not tapes)
-* Wed Nov 19 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [DG] smartd/smartctl: changed scsiClearControlGLTSD() to
-       scsiSetControlGLTSD() with an 'enabled' argument so '-S on'
-       and '-S off' work for SCSI devices (if changing GLTSD supported).
-  [BA] smartd/smartctl: wired in scsiClearControlGLTSD(). Could still
-       use a corresponding Set function.  Left stubs for this purpose.
-  [DG] scsicmds: added scsiClearControlGLTSD() [still to be wired in]
-  [BA] smartctl: make SCSI -T options behave the same way as the
-       ATA ones.
-  [DG] smartctl: output scsi transport protocol if available
-  [DG] scsi: stop device scan in smartd and smartctl if badly formed
-       mode response [heuristic to filter out USB devices before we
-       (potentially) lock them up].
-  [BA] smartd: deviceclose()->CloseDevice(). Got rid of SCSIDEVELOPMENT
-       macro-enabled code.  Added -W to list of gcc specific options to
-       always enable. Made code clean for -W warnings.
-  [PW] Added Maxtor DiamondMax VL 30 family to knowndrives table.
-  [DG] scsi: add warning (when '-l error' active) if Control mode page
-       GLTSD bit is set (global disable of saving log counters)
-  [DG] scsi: remember mode sense cmd length. Output trip temperature
-       from IE lpage (IBM extension) when unavailable from temp lpage.
-  [BA] smartd: for both SCSI and ATA now warns user if either
-       the number of self-test errors OR timestamp of most
-       recent self-test error have increased.
-  [DG] smartctl: output Seagate scsi Cache and Factory log pages (if
-       available) when vendor attributes chosen
-  [DG] smartd: add scsiCountFailedSelfTests() function.
-  [DG] Do more sanity checking of scsi log page responses.
-  [BA] smartd: now warns user if number of self-test errors has
-       increased for SCSI devices.
-  [BA] smartd: warn user if number of ATA self-test errors increases
-       (as before) OR if hour time stamp of most recent self-test
-       error changes.
-  [DG] More checks for well formed mode page responses. This has the side
-       effect of stopping scans on bad SCSI implementations (e.g. some
-       USB disks) prior to sending commands (typically log sense) that
-       locks them up.
-  [PW] Added Western Digital Caviar family and Caviar SE family to
-       knowndrives table.
-  [BA] smartd: added -l daemon (which is the default value if -l
-       is not used).
-  [PW] Added Seagate Barracuda ATA V family to knowndrives table.
-  [BA] smartd: added additional command line argument -l FACILITY
-       or --logfacility FACILITY.  This can be used to redirect
-       messages from smartd to a different file than the one used
-       by other system daemons.
-  [PW] Added Seagate Barracuda 7200.7, Western Digital Protege WD400EB,
-       and Western Digital Caviar AC38400 to knowndrives table.
-  [BA] smartd: scanning should now also work correctly for
-       devfs WITHOUT traditional links /dev/hd[a-t] or /dev/sd[a-z].
-  [PW] Added Maxtor 4W040H3, Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Plus,
-       IBM Deskstar 120GXP (40GB), Seagate U Series 20410,
-       Fujitsu MHM2100AT, MHL2300AT, MHM2150AT, and IBM-DARA-212000
-       to knowndrives table.
-  [PW] Added remaining Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 models to knowndrives
-       table.
-  [EM] smartd: If no matches found, then return 0, rather than an error
-       indication, as it just means no devices of the given type exist.
-       Adjust FreeBSD scan code to mirror Linux version.
-  [BA] smartd: made device scan code simpler and more robust. If
-       too many devices detected, warn user but scan as many
-       as possible.  If error in scanning, warn user but don't
-       die right away.
-  [EM] smartd: To keep as consistent as possible, migrate FreeBSD
-       devicescan code to also use glob(3). Also verified clean 
-       compile on a 4.7 FreeBSD system.
-  [BA] smartd: Modified device scan code to use glob(3). Previously
-       it appeared to have trouble when scanning devices on an XFS
-       file system, and used non-public interface to directory
-       entries. Problems were also reported when /dev/ was on an
-       ext2/3 file system, but there was a JFS partition on the same
-       disk.
-  [BA] Clearer error messages when device scanning finds no suitable
-       devices.
-  [EM] FreeBSD:	Fixup code to allow for proper compilation under 
-       -STABLE branch.
-* Fri Oct 31 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] smartd: didn't close file descriptors of ATA packet devices
-       that are scanned. Fixed.
-- [BA] Added reload/report targets to the smartmontools init script.
-       reload: reloads config file
-       report: send SIGUSR1 to check devices now
-* Mon Oct 27 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [EM] Fix compile issues for FreeBSD < 5-CURRENT.
-- [PW] Added Fujitsu MHM2200AT to knowndrives table.
-- [BA] To help catch bugs, clear ATA error structures before all
-       ioctl calls.  Disable code that attempted to time-out on SCSI
-       devices when they hung (doesn't work).
-- [BA] Documented STATUS/ERROR flags added by [PW] below.
-- [BA] Improved algorithm to recognize ATA packet devices. Should
-       no longer generate SYSLOG kernel noise when user tries either
-       smartd or smartctl on packet device (CD-ROM or DVD).  Clearer
-       warning messages from smartd when scanning ATA packet device.
-- [PW] Added TOSHIBA MK4025GAS to knowndrives table.
-- [PW] Added a textual interpretation of the status and error registers
-       in the SMART error log (ATA).  The interpretation is
-       command-dependent and currently only eight commands are supported
-       (those which produced errors in the error logs that I happen to
-       have seen).
-- [BA] added memory allocation tracking to solaris code.
-       Fixed solaris signal handling (reset handler to default
-       after first call to handler) by using sigset. Added
-       HAVE_SIGSET to configure.in
-- [CD] solaris port: added SCSI functionality to solaris
-       stubs.
-- [BA] smartd: attempt to address bug report about smartd
-       hanging on USB devices when scanning:
-       https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=107615
-       Set a timeout of SCSITIMEOUT (nominally 7 seconds) before
-       giving up.
-- [EM] smartd: DEVICESCAN will follow links in a devfs filesystem and
-       make sure the end point is a disc.  Update documentation, added
-       note about FreeBSD scanning
-- [BA] smartd: DEVICESCAN also looks for block devices in
-       /dev.  Updated documentation.  Now scans for up to
-       20 ATA devices /dev/hda-t rather than previous 12
-       /dev/hda-l.
-- [EM] smartd: mirror the FreeBSD DEVICESCAN logic for Linux,
-       so that smartd now scans only devices found in /dev/. Also,
-       make utility memory functions take a line number and file so
-       that we report errors with the correct location.
-- [GG] add a note about Debian bug #208964 to WARNINGS.
-- [BA] smartctl: -T verypermissive option broken.  Use
-       -T verpermissive until the next release, please.
-- [BA] Syntax mods so that code also compiles on Solaris using
-       Sun Workshop compiler.  Need -xmemalign 1i -xCC flags
-       for cc.
-* Wed Oct 15 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-  [DK] Changed configure.in so -Wall is only included if gcc
-       is used (this is a gcc specific flag) and -fsignedchar
-       is not used at all (this is a gcc specific compiler 
-       flag).
-  [BA] Modifications so that code now compiles under solaris. Now
-       all that's needed (:-) is to fill in os_solaris.[hc].  Added
-       os_generic.[hc] as guide to future ports.  Fixed -D option
-       of smartd (no file name).  Modified -h opt of smartd/smartctl
-       to work properly with solaris getopt().
-  [EM] Update MAN pages with notes that 3ware drives are NOT supported
-	under FreeBSD. Cleanup FreeBSD warning message handling.
-  [EM] FreeBSD only: Fix first user found bug....I guess I was making
-       the wrong assumption on how to convert ATA devnames to
-       channel/unit numbers.
-  [EM] Allow for option --enable-sample to append '.sample' to installed
-	smartd.conf and rc script files. Also, let rc script shell setting
-	be determined by configure
-  [EM] Minor autoconf update to include -lcam for FreeBSD
-  [EM] Add conditional logic to allow FreeBSD to compile pre-ATAng.
-	-- note, not tested
-	Add some documentation to INSTALL for FreeBSD.
-  [EM] Implement SCSI CAM support for FreeBSD.  NOTE: I am not an expert
-	in the use of CAM.  It seems to work for me, but I may be doing
-	something horribly wrong, so please exercise caution.
-  [EM] Switch over to using 'atexit' rather than 'on_exit' routine. This also
-  	meant we needed to save the exit status elsewhere so our 'Goodbye'
-	routine could examine it.
-  [EM] Move the DEVICESCAN code to os specific files. Also moved some of the
-	smartd Memory functions to utility.c to make available to smartctl.
-  [EM] Code janitor work on os_freebsd.c.
-  [EM] Added os_freebsd.[hc] code.  Additional code janitor
-       work.
-  [BA] Code janitor working, moving OS dependent code into
-       os_linux.[hc].
-  [GG] conditionally compile os_{freebsd,linux}.o depending on
-       host architecture
-  [PW] Print estimated completion time for tests
-  [BA] Added -F samsung2 flag to correct firmware byte swap.
-       All samsung drives with *-23 firmware revision string.
-* Sun Oct 05 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [GG] Fixed broken Makefile.am (zero length smartd.conf.5
-       was being created)
-- [FM] Improved Slackware init script added to /etc/smartd.initd
-* Fri Oct 03 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] smartctl: added '-T verypermissive' option which is
-       equivalent to giving '-T permissive' many times.
-- [BA] Try harder to identify from IDENTIFY DEVICE structure
-       if SMART supported/enabled.  smartd now does a more
-       thorough job of trying to assess this before sending
-       a SMART status command to find out for sure.
-- [BA] smartctl: it's now possible to override the program's
-       guess of the device type (ATA or SCSI) with -d option.
-- [BA] try hard to avoid sending IDENTIFY DEVICE to packet
-       devices (CDROMS).  They can't do SMART, and this generates
-       annoying syslog messages. At the same time, identify type
-       of Packet device.
-- [BA] smartctl: Can now use permissive option more
-       than once, to control how far to go before giving up.
-- [BA] smartd: if user asked to monitor either error or self-test
-       logs (-l error or -l selftest) WITHOUT monitoring any of the
-       Attribute values, code will SEGV.  For 5.1-18 and earlier,
-       a good workaround is to enable Auto offline (-o on).
-- [BA] smartctl: If enable auto offline command given, update auto
-       offline status before printing capabilities.
-- [GG] Make autotools build the default, remove autotools.diff
-- [GG] Add auto{conf,make} support, not enabled by default. 
-- [BA] Eliminated #include <linux/hdreg.h> from code. This
-       should simplify porting to solaris, FreeBSD, etc. The
-       only linux-specific code is now isolated to three routines,
-       one for SCSI, one for Escalade, one for ATA.
-* Fri Aug 22 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] smartd: fixed serious bug - Attributes not monitored unless
-       user told smartd to ignore at least one of them!
-* Tue Aug 19 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] Default runlevels for smartd changed from 3 and 5 to
-       2, 3, 4, and 5.
-- [BA] Removed as much dynamic memory allocation as possible from
-       configuration file parsing. Reloading config file, even in
-       presence of syntax errors etc. should not cause memory leaks.
-- [PW] It is no longer permissible for the integer part (if any) of
-       arguments to --report and --device to be followed by non-digits.
-       For example, the "foo" in --report=ioctl,2foo was previously
-       ignored, but now causes an error.
-- [BA] smartd: added -q/--quit command line option to specify
-       under what circumstances smartd should exit.  The old
-       -c/--checkonce option is now obsoleted by this more
-       general-purpose option.
-- [BA] smartd now responds to a HUP signal by re-reading its
-       configuration file /etc/smartd.conf.  If there are
-       errors in this file, then the configuration file is
-       ignored and smartd continues to monitor the devices that
-       it was monitoring prior to receiving the HUP signal.
-- [BA] Now correctly get SMART status from disks behind 3ware
-       controllers, thanks to Adam Radford. Need 3w-xxxx driver
-       version or later. Previously the smartmontools
-       SMART status always returned "OK" for 3ware controllers.
-- [BA] Additional work on dynamic memory allocation/deallocation.
-       This should have no effect on smartctl, but clears that way
-       for smartd to dynamically add and remove entries.  It should
-       also now be easier to modify smartd to re-read its config
-       file on HUP (which is easy) without leaking memory (which is
-       harder). The philosophy is that memory for data structures in
-       smartd is now allocated only on demand, the first time it
-       is needed.
-- [BA] smartd: finished cleanup.  Now use create/rm functions for
-       cfgentries and dynamic memory allocation almost everywhere.
-       Philosophy: aggresively try and provoke SEGV to help find
-       bad code.
-- [BA] Added SAMSUNG SV0412H to knowndrives table.
-- [BA] smartd: if DEVICESCAN used then knowndrives table might not set
-       the -v attributes correctly -- may have been the same for all
-       the drives.  Cleaned up some data structures and memory
-       allocation to try and ensure segvs if such problems are
-       introduced again.
-- [BA] Now allow -S on and -o on for the 3ware device type.  For these
-       commands to be passed through, the stock 3ware 3w-xxxx driver
-       must be patched (8 lines).  I'll post a patch on the smartmontools
-       home page after it's been tested by a few other people and 3ware
-       have had a chance to look it over.
-* Wed Aug 06 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] smartd - can now monitor ATA drives behind 3ware controllers.
-- [BA] smartd - changed some FATAL out of memory error messages from
-       syslog level LOG_INFO to LOG_CRIT.
-- [BA] smartctl - added code to look at ATA drives behind 3ware RAID
-       controllers using the 3w-xxxx driver.  Note that for technical
-       reasons related to the 3w-xxxx driver, the "Enable Autosave",
-       "Enable Automatic Offline" commands are not implemented.
-       I will add this to smartd shortly.
-- [BA] smartd - modified sleep loop, so that smartd no longer comes
-       on the run queue every second.  Instead, unless interrupted,
-       it sleeps until the next polling time, when it wakes up. Now
-       smartd also tries to wake up at exactly the right
-       intervals (nominally 30 min) even if the user has been sending
-       signals to it.
-- [GG] add Fujitsu MHN2300AT to vendoropts_9_seconds.
-- [EB] Fujitsu change in knowndrives ... match the whole MPD and
-       MPE series for vendoropts_9_seconds.
-- [BA] smartd bug, might cause segv if a device can not be opened. Was
-       due to missing comma in char* list.  Consequence is that email
-       failure messages might have had the wrong Subject: heading for
-       errorcount, FAILEDhealthcheck, FAILEDreadsmartdata, FAILEDreadsmarterrorlog,
-       FAILEDreadsmartsefltestlog, FAILEDopendevice were all displaced by
-       one.  And FAILEDopendevice might have caused a segv if -m was being
-       used as a smartd Directive.
-* Wed Jul 23 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] Cleaned up smartmontools.spec so that upgrading, removing
-       and other such operations correctly preserve running behavior
-       and booting behavior of smartd.
-- [BA] Improved formatting of ATA Error Log printout, and added
-       listing of names of commands that caused the error. Added
-       obsolete ATA-4 SMART feature commands to table, along with
-       obsolete SFF-8035i SMART feature command.
-- [PW] Added atacmdnames.[hc], which turn command register &
-       feature register pairs into ATA command names.
-- [BA] Added conveyance self-test.  Some code added for selective
-       self-tests, but #ifdefed out.
-- [BA] Modified smartd exit status and log levels.  If smartd is
-       "cleanly" terminated, for example with SIGTERM, then its
-       exit messages are now logged at LOG_INFO not LOG_CRIT
-- [BA] Added Attribute IDs  (Fujitsu) 0xCA - 0xCE.  This is decimal
-       202-206. Added -v switches for interpretation of Attributes
-       192, 198 and 201. 
-- [BA] Made smartmontools work with any endian order machine for:
-       - SMART selftest log
-       - SMART ATA error log
-       - SMART Attributes values
-       - SMART Attributes thesholds
-       - IDENTIFY DEVICE information
-       Smartmontools is now free of endian bias and works correctly
-       on both little- and big-endian hardware.  This has been tested by
-       three independent PPC users on a variety of ATA and SCSI hardware.
-- [DG] Check that certain SCSI command responses are well formed. If
-       IEC mode page response is not well formed exit smartctl. This
-       is to protect aacraid. smartd should ignore a aacraid device.
-* Mon Jun 16 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] smartctl: added column to -A output to show if Attributes are
-       updated only during off-line testing or also during normal
-       operation.
-* Tue Jun 10 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] smartd: attempt to enable/disable automatic offline testing even
-       if the disk appears not to support it.  Now the same logic
-       as smartctl.
-- [BA] Added definition of Attribute 201, soft read error rate.
-- [BA] Added IBM/Hitachi IC35L120AVV207-1 (GXP-180) and corresponding
-       8MB Cache GXP-120 to drive database.
-- [BA] smartd: if DEVICESCAN Directive used in smartd.conf, and
-       -I, -R or -r Directives used in conjunction with this, got
-       segv errors.  Fixed by correcting memory allocation calls.
-- [BA] smartd: enable automatic offline testing was broken due
-       to cut-and-paste error that disabled it instead of
-       enabling it.  Thanks to Maciej W. Rozycki for pointing
-       out the problem and solution.
-- [BA] Fixed "spelling" of some Attribute names to replace spaces
-       in names by underscores. (Fixed field width easier for awk
-       style parsing.)
-- [BA] Added mods submitted by Guilhem Frezou to support Attribute 193
-       being load/unload cycles. Add -v 193,loadunload option, useful
-       for Hitachi drive DK23EA-30, and add this drive to knowndrive.c
-       Add meaning of attribute 250 : Read error retry rate
-- [BA] Added another entry for Samsung drives to knowndrive table.
-- [DG] Refine SCSI log sense command to do a double fetch in most cases
-       (but not for the TapeAlert log page). Fix TapeAlert and Self Test
-       log pgae response truncation.
-- [PW] Added 'removable' argument to -d Directive for smartd.  This indicates
-       that smartd should continue (rather than exit) if the device does not 
-       appear to be present.
-- [BA] Modified smartmontools.spec [Man pages location] and
-       smartd.initd [Extra space kills chkconfig!] for Redhat 6.x
-       compatibility (thanks to Gerald Schnabel).
-* Wed May 7 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [EB] Add another Fujitsu disk to knowndrives.c
-- [GG] match for scsi/ and ide/ in case of devfs to exclude false postives
-- [BA] If SCSI device listed in /etc/smartd.conf fails to open or do
-       SMART stuff correctly, or not enough space
-       to list all SCSI devices, fail with error unless
-       -DSCSIDEVELOPMENT set during compile-time.
-- [BA] Added automatic recognition of /dev/i* (example: /dev/ide/...)
-       as an ATA device.
-- [DG] Add "Device type: [disk | tape | medium changer | ...]" line to
-       smartctl -i output for SCSI devices.
-- [PW] Fixed bug in smartd where test email would be sent regularly (for
-       example, daily if the user had specified -M daily) instead of just
-       once on startup.
-- [KM] More TapeAlert work. Added translations for media changer
-       alerts. TapeAlert support reported according to the log page
-       presence. ModeSense not attempted for non-ready tapes (all
-       drives do not support this after all). Get peripheral type from
-       Inquiry even if drive info is not printed. Add QUIETON()
-       QUIETOFF() to TapeAlert log check.
-- [BA] Stupid bug in atacmds.c minor_str[] affected ataVersionInfo().
-       Two missing commas meant that minor_str[] had two few elements,
-       leading to output like this:
-       Device Model:     Maxtor 6Y120L0
-       Serial Number:    Y40BF74E
-       Firmware Version: YAR41VW0
-       Device is:        Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
-       ATA Version is:   7
-       ATA Standard is:  9,minutes
-                         ^^^^^^^^^
-       Missing commas inserted.
-- [BA] Fixed smartd bug.  On device registration, if ATA device did
-       not support SMART error or self-test logs but user had asked to
-       monitor them, an attempt would be made to read them anyway,
-       possibly generating "Drive Seek" errors.  We now check that
-       the self-test and error logs are supported before trying to
-       access them the first time.
-- [GG/BA] Fixed bug where if SMART ATA error log not supported,
-       command was tried anyway. Changed some error printing to use
-       print handlers.
-- [GG] Makefile modifications to ease packaging
-- [DG] Did work for TapeAlerts (SCSI). Now can detect /dev/nst0 as a
-       SCSI device. Also open SCSI devices O_NONBLOCK so they don't
-       hang on open awaiting media. The ATA side should worry about
-       this also: during a DEVICESCAN a cd/dvd device without media
-       will hang. Added some TapeAlert code suggested by Kai Makisara.
-* Mon Apr 21 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [PW] Extended the -F option/Directive to potentially fix other firmware
-       bugs in addition to the Samsung byte-order bug.  Long option name is
-       now --firmwarebug and the option/Directive accepts an argument
-       indicating the type of firmware bug to fix.
-- [BA] Fixed a bug that prevented the enable automatic off-line
-       test feature from enabling.  It also prevented the enable Attribute
-       autosave from working.  See CVS entry for additional details.
-- [PW] Modified the -r/--report option (smartctl and smartd) to allow the
-       user to specify the debug level as a positive integer.
-- [BA] Added --log directory option to smartctl.  If the disk
-       supports the general-purpose logging feature set (ATA-6/7)
-       then this option enables the Log Directory to be printed.
-       This Log Directory shows which device logs are available, and
-       their lengths in sectors.
-- [PW] Added -P/--presets option to smartctl and -P Directive to smartd.
-- [GG] Introduce different exit codes indicating the type of problem
-       encountered for smartd.
-- [DG] Add non-medium error count to '-l error' and extended self test
-       duration to '-l selftest'. Get scsi IEs and temperature changes
-       working in smartd. Step over various scsi disk problems rather
-       than abort smartd startup.
-- [DG] Support -l error for SCSI disks (and tapes). Output error counter
-       log pages.
-- [BA] Added -F/--fixbyteorder option to smartctl.  This allows us to read
-       SMART data from some disks that have byte-reversed two- and four-
-       byte quantities in their SMART data structures.
-- [BA] Fixed serious bug: the -v options in smartd.conf were all put
-       together and used together, not drive-by-drive.
-- [PW] Added knowndrives.h and knowndrives.c.  The knowndrives array
-       supersedes the drivewarnings array.
-- [GG] add {-p,--pidfile} option to smartd to write a PID file on
-       startup. Update the manpage accordingly.
-- [DG] Fix scsi smartd problem detecting SMART support. More cleaning
-       and fix (and rename) scsiTestUnitReady(). More scsi renaming.
-- [BA] Fixed smartd so that if a disk that is explictily listed is not
-       found, then smartd will exit with nonzero status BEFORE forking.
-       If a disk can't be registered, this will also be detected before
-       forking, so that init scripts can react correctly.
-- [BA] Replaced all linux-specific ioctl() calls in atacmds.c with
-       a generic handler smartcommandhandler().  Now the only routine
-       that needs to be implemented for a given OS is os_specific_handler().
-       Also implemented the --report ataioctl. This provides 
-       two levels of reporting.  Using the option once gives a summary
-       report of device IOCTL transactions.  Using the option twice give
-       additional info (a printout of ALL device raw 512 byte SMART
-       data structures).  This is useful for debugging.
-- [DG] more scsi cleanup. Output scsi device serial number (VPD page
-       0x80) if available as part of '-i'. Implement '-t offline' as
-       default self test (only self test older disks support).
-- [BA] Changed crit to info in loglevel of smartd complaint to syslog
-       if DEVICESCAN enabled and device not found.
-- [BA] Added -v 194,10xCelsius option/Directive. Raw Attribute number
-       194 is ten times the disk temperature in Celsius.
-- [DG] scsicmds.[hc] + scsiprint.c: clean up indentation, remove tabs.
-       Introduce new intermediate interface based on "struct scsi_cmnd_io"
-       to isolate SCSI generic commands + responses from Linux details;
-       should help port to FreeBSD of SCSI part of smartmontools.
-       Make SCSI command builders more parametric.
-* Thu Mar 13 2003  Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] smartctl: if HDIO_DRIVE_TASK ioctl() is not implemented (no
-       kernel support) then try to assess drive health by examining
-       Attribute values/thresholds directly.
-- [BA] smartd/smartctl: added -v 200,writeerrorcount option/Directive
-       for Fujitsu disks.
-- [BA] smartd: Now send email if any of the SMART commands fails,
-       or if open()ing the device fails.  This is often noted
-       as a common disk failure mode.
-- [BA] smartd/smartctl: Added -v N,raw8 -v N,raw16 and -v N,raw48
-       Directives/Options for printing Raw Attributes in different
-       Formats.
-- [BA] smartd: Added -r ID and -R ID for reporting/tracking Raw
-       values of Attributes.
-- [BA] smartd/smartctl: Changed printing of spin-up-time attribute
-       raw value to reflect current/average as per IBM standard.
-- [BA] smartd/smartctl: Added -v 9,seconds option for disks which
-       use Attribute 9 for power-on lifetime in seconds.
-- [BA] smartctl: Added a warning message so that users of some IBM
-       disks are warned to update their firmware.  Note: we may want
-       to add a command-line flag to disable the warning messages.
-       I have done this in a general way, using regexp, so that we
-       can add warnings about any type of disk that we wish..
-* Wed Feb 12 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] smartd: Created a subdirectory examplescripts/ of source
-       directory that contains executable scripts for the -M exec PATH
-       Directive of smartd.
-- [BA] smartd: DEVICESCAN in /etc/smartd.conf
-       can now be followed by all the same Directives as a regular
-       device name like /dev/hda takes.  This allows one to use
-       (for example):
-       DEVICESCAN -m root@example.com
-       in the /etc/smartd.conf file.
-- [BA] smartd: Added -c (--checkonce) command-line option. This checks
-       all devices once, then exits.  The exit status can be
-       used to learn if devices were detected, and if smartd is
-       functioning correctly. This is primarily for Distribution
-       scripters.
-- [BA] smartd: Implemented -M exec Directive for
-       smartd.conf.  This makes it possible to run an
-       arbitrary script or mailing program with the
-       -m option.
-- [PW] smartd: Modified -M Directive so that it can be given
-       multiple times.  Added -M exec Directive.
-* Tue Jan 21 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] Fixed bug in smartctl pointed out by Pierre Gentile.
-       -d scsi didn't work because tryata and tryscsi were 
-       reversed -- now works on /devfs SCSI devices.
-- [BA] Fixed bug in smartctl pointed out by Gregory Goddard
-       <ggoddard@ufl.edu>.  Manual says that bit 6 of return
-       value turned on if errors found in smart error log.  But
-       this wasn't implemented.
-- [BA] Modified printing format for 9,minutes to read
-       Xh+Ym not X h + Y m, so that fields are fixed width.
-- [BA] Added Attribute 240 "head flying hours"
-* Sun Jan 12 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [BA] As requested, local time/date now printed by smartctl -i
-* Thu Jan 9 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [PW] Added 'help' argument to -v for smartctl
-- [PW] Added -D, --showdirectives option to smartd
-* Sat Jan 4 2003 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [DG] add '-l selftest' capability for SCSI devices (update smartctl.8)
-- [BA] smartd,smartctl: added additional Attribute modification option
-  -v 220,temp and -v 9,temp.
-- [PW] Renamed smartd option -X to -d
-- [PW] Changed smartd.conf Directives -- see man page
-- [BA/DG] Fixed uncommented comment in smartd.conf
-- [DG] Correct 'Recommended start stop count' for SCSI devices
-- [PW] Replaced smartd.conf directive -C with smartd option -i
-- [PW] Changed options for smartctl -- see man page.
-- [BA] Use strerror() to generate system call error messages.
-- [BA] smartd: fflush() all open streams before fork().
-- [BA] smartctl, smartd simplified internal handling of checksums
-  for simpler porting and less code.
-* Sun Dec 8 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- [PW] smartd --debugmode changed to --debug
-- [BA] smartd/smartctl added attribute 230 Head Amplitude from
-  IBM DPTA-353750.
-- [PW] Added list of proposed new options for smartctl to README.
-- [PW] smartd: ParseOpts() now uses getopt_long() if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG is
-  defined and uses getopt() otherwise.  This is controlled by CPPFLAGS in
-  the Makefile.
-- [BA] smartd: Fixed a couple of error messages done with perror()
-  to redirect them as needed.
-- [BA] smartctl: The -O option to enable an Immediate off-line test
-  did not print out the correct time that the test would take to
-  complete.  This is because the test timer is volatile and not
-  fixed.  This has been fixed, and the smartctl.8 man page has been
-  updated to explain how to track the Immediate offline test as it
-  progresses, and to further emphasize the differences between the
-  off-line immediate test and the self-tests.
-- [BA] smartd/smartctl: Added new attribute (200) Multi_Zone_Error_Rate
-- [BA] smartctl: modified so that arguments could have either a single -
-  as in -ea or multiple ones as in -e -a.  Improved warning message for
-  device not opened, and fixed error in redirection of error output of
-  HD identity command.
-- [PW] smartd: added support for long options.  All short options are still
-  supported; see manpage for available long options.
-- [BA] smartctl.  When raw Attribute value was 2^31 or larger, did
-  not print correctly.
-* Fri Nov 22 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- Allen: smartd: added smartd.conf Directives -T and -s.  The -T Directive
-  enables/disables Automatic Offline Testing.  The -s Directive
-  enables/disables Attribute Autosave. Documentation and
-  example configuration file updated to agree.
-- Allen: smartd: user can make smartd check the disks at any time
-  (ie, interrupt sleep) by sending signal SIGUSR1 to smartd.  This
-  can be done for example with:
-  kill -USR1 <pid>
-  where <pid> is the process ID number of smartd.
-- Bolso: scsi: don't trust the data we receive from the drive too
-  much. It very well might have errors (like zero response length).
-  Seen on Megaraid logical drive, and verified in the driver source.
-- Allen: smartd: added Directive -m for sending test email and
-  for modifying email reminder behavior.  Updated manual, and sample
-  configuration file to illustrate & explain this.
-- Allen: smartd: increased size of a continued smartd.conf line to
-  1023 characters.
-- Allen: Simplified Directive parsers and improved warning/error
-  messages.
-* Sun Nov 17 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- Fixed bug in smartd where testunitready logic inverted
-  prevented functioning on scsi devices.
-- Added testunitnotready to smartctl for symmetry with smartd.
-- Brabec: added Czech descriptions to .spec file
-- Brabec: corrected comment in smartd.conf example
-- Changed way that entries in the ATA error log are printed,
-  to make it clearer which is the most recent error and
-  which is the oldest one.
-- Changed Temperature_Centigrade to Temperature_Celsius.
-  The term "Centigrade" ceased to exist in 1948.  (c.f
-  http://www.bartleby.com/64/C004/016.html).
-* Wed Nov 13 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- smartd SCSI devices: can now send warning email message on failure
-- Added a new smartd configuration file Directive: -M ADDRESS.
-  This sends a single warning email to ADDRESS for failures or
-  errors detected with the -c, -L, -l, or -f Directives.
-* Mon Nov 11 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- Modified perror() statements in atacmds.c so that printout for SMART
-  commands errors is properly suppressed or queued depending upon users
-  choices for error reporting modes.
-- Added Italian descriptions to smartmontools.spec file.
-- Started impementing send-mail-on-error for smartd; not yet enabled.
-* Sun Nov 10 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- Added -P (Permissive) Directive to smartd.conf file to allow SMART monitoring of
-  pre-ATA-3 Rev 4 disks that have SMART but do not have a SMART capability bit.
-* Thu Nov 7 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- Added a Man section 5 page for smartd.conf
-- Changed Makefile so that the -V option does not reflect file state
-  before commit!
-- modified .spec file so that locale information now contains
-  character set definition.   Changed pt_BR to pt since we do not use any
-  aspect other than language.  See man setlocale.
-- smartctl: added new options -W, -U, and -P to control if and how the
-  smartctl exits if an error is detected in either a SMART data
-  structure checksum, or a SMART command returns an error.
-- modified manual page to break options into slightly more logical
-  categories.
-- reformatted 'usage' message order to agree with man page ordering
-* Mon Nov 4 2002 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- smartctl: added new options -n and -N to force device to be ATA or SCSI
-- smartctl: no longer dies silently if device path does not start/dev/X
-- smartctl: now handles arbitrary device paths
-- Added additional macros for manual and sbin paths in this SPEC file.
-- Modified Makefile to install /etc/smartd.conf, but without overwriting existing config file
-- Modified this specfile to do the same, and to not remove any files that it did not install
-* Wed Oct 30 2002 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- Fixed typesetting error in man page smartd.8
-- Removed redundant variable (harmless) from smartd.c
-* Tue Oct 29 2002 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- Added a new directive for the configuration file.  If the word
-  DEVICESCAN appears before any non-commented material in the
-  configuration file, then the confi file will be ignored and the
-  devices wil be scanned.
-- Note: it has now been confirmed that the code modifications between
-  5.0.23 and 5.0.24 have eliminated the GCC 3.2 problems.  Note that
-  there is a GCC bug howerver, see #8404 at
-  http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8404
-- Added new Directive for Configuration file:
-  -C <N> This sets the time in between disk checks to be <N>
-  seconds apart.  Note that  although  you  can  give
-  this Directive multiple times on different lines of
-  the configuration file, only the final  value  that
-  is  given  has  an  effect,  and applies to all the
-  disks.  The default value of <N> is 1800  sec,  and
-  the minimum allowed value is ten seconds.
-- Problem wasn't the print format. F.L.W. Meunier <0@pervalidus.net>
-  sent me a gcc 3.2 build and I ran it under a debugger.  The
-  problem seems to be with passing the very large (2x512+4) byte
-  data structures as arguments.  I never liked this anyway; it was
-  inherited from smartsuite.  So I've changed all the heavyweight
-  functions (ATA ones, anyone) to just passing pointers, not hideous
-  kB size structures on the stack.  Hopefully this will now build OK
-  under gcc 3.2 with any sensible compilation options.
-- Because of reported problems with GCC 3.2 compile, I have gone
-  thorough the code and explicitly changed all print format
-  parameters to correspond EXACTLY to int unless they have to be
-  promoted to long longs.  To quote from the glibc bible: [From
-  GLIBC Manual: Since the prototype doesn't specify types for
-  optional arguments, in a call to a variadic function the default
-  argument promotions are performed on the optional argument
-  values. This means the objects of type char or short int (whether
-  signed or not) are promoted to either int or unsigned int, as
-  required.
-- smartd, smartctl now warn if they find an attribute whose ID
-  number does not match between Data and Threshold structures.
-- Fixed nasty bug which led to wrong number of arguments for a
-  varargs statement, with attendent stack corruption.  Sheesh!
-  Have added script to CVS attic to help find such nasties in the
-  future.
-* Tue Oct 29 2002 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- Eliminated some global variables out of header files and other
-  minor cleanup of smartd.
-- Did some revision of the man page for smartd and made the usage
-  messages for Directives consistent.
-- smartd: prints warning message when it gets SIGHUP, saying that it is
-  NOT re-reading the config file.
-- smartctl: updated man page to say self-test commands -O,x,X,s,S,A
-  appear to be supported in the code.  [I can't test these,  can anyone
-  report?]
-- smartctl: smartctl would previously print the LBA of a self-test
-  if it completed, and the LBA was not 0 or 0xff...f However
-  according to the specs this is not correct.  According to the
-  specs, if the self-test completed without error then LBA is
-  undefined.  This version fixes that.  LBA value only printed if
-  self-test encountered an error.
-- smartd has changed significantly. This is the first CVS checkin of
-  code that extends the options available for smartd.  The following
-  options can be placed into the /etc/smartd.conf file, and control the
-  behavior of smartd.
-- Configuration file Directives (following device name):
-  -A     Device is an ATA device
-  -S     Device is a SCSI device
-  -c     Monitor SMART Health Status
-  -l     Monitor SMART Error Log for changes
-  -L     Monitor SMART Self-Test Log for new errors
-  -f     Monitor for failure of any 'Usage' Attributes
-  -p     Report changes in 'Prefailure' Attributes
-  -u     Report changes in 'Usage' Attributes
-  -t     Equivalent to -p and -u Directives
-  -a     Equivalent to -c -l -L -f -t Directives
-  -i ID  Ignore Attribute ID for -f Directive
-  -I ID  Ignore Attribute ID for -p, -u or -t Directive
-  #      Comment: text after a hash sign is ignored
-  \      Line continuation character
-- cleaned up functions used for printing CVS IDs.  Now use string
-  library, as it should be.
-- modified length of device name string in smartd internal structure
-  to accomodate max length device name strings
-- removed un-implemented (-e = Email notification) option from
-  command line arg list.  We'll put it back on when implemeneted.
-- smartd now logs serious (fatal) conditions in its operation at
-  loglevel LOG_CRIT rather than LOG_INFO before exiting with error.
-- smartd used to open a file descriptor for each SMART enabled
-- device, and then keep it open the entire time smartd was running.
-  This meant that some commands, like IOREADBLKPART did not work,
-  since the fd to the device was open.  smartd now opens the device
-  when it needs to read values, then closes it.  Also, if one time
-  around it can't open the device, it simply prints a warning
-  message but does not give up.  Have eliminated the .fd field from
-  data structures -- no longer gets used.
-- smartd now opens SCSI devices as well using O_RDONLY rather than
-  O_RDWR.  If someone can no longer monitor a SCSI device that used
-  to be readable, this may well be the reason why.
-- smartd never checked if the number of ata or scsi devices detected
-  was greater than the max number it could monitor.  Now it does.
-* Fri Oct 25 2002 Bruce Allen  <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- changes to the Makefile and spec file so that if there are ungzipped manual
-  pages in place these will be removed so that the new gzipped man pages are
-  visible.
-- smartd on startup now looks in the configuration file /etc/smartd.conf for
-  a list of devices which to include in its monitoring list.  See man page
-  (man smartd) for syntax. If not found, try all ata and ide devices.
-- smartd: close file descriptors of SCSI device if not SMART capable
-  Closes ALL file descriptors after forking to daemon.
-- added new temperature attribute (231, temperature)
-- smartd: now open ATA disks using O_RDONLY
-* Thu Oct 24 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
-- smartd now prints the name of a failed or changed attribute into logfile,
-  not just ID number
-- Changed name of -p (print version) option to -V
-- Minor change in philosophy: if a SMART command fails or the device
-    appears incapable of a SMART command that the user has asked for,
-    complain by printing an error message, but go ahead and try
-    anyway.  Since unimplemented SMART commands should just return an
-    error but not cause disk problems, this should't cause any
-    difficulty.
-- Added two new flags: q and Q.  q is quiet mode - only print: For
-    the -l option, errors recorded in the SMART error log; For the -L
-    option, errors recorded in the device self-test log; For the -c
-    SMART "disk failing" status or device attributes (pre-failure or
-    usage) which failed either now or in the past; For the -v option
-    device attributes (pre-failure or usage) which failed either now
-    or in the past.  Q is Very Quiet mode: Print no ouput.  The only
-    way to learn about what was found is to use the exit status of
-    smartctl.
-- smartctl now returns sensible values (bitmask).  See smartctl.h
-    for the values, and the man page for documentation.
-- The SMART status check now uses the correct ATA call.  If failure
-    is detected we search through attributes to list the failed ones.
-    If the SMART status check shows GOOD, we then look to see if their
-    are any usage attributes or prefail attributes have failed at any
-    time.  If so we print them.
-- Modified function that prints vendor attributes to say if the
-    attribute has currently failed or has ever failed.
-- -p option now prints out license info and CVS strings for all
-    modules in the code, nicely formatted.
-- Previous versions of this code (and Smartsuite) only generate
-    SMART failure errors if the value of an attribute is below the
-    threshold and the prefailure bit is set.  However the ATA Spec
-    (ATA4 <=Rev 4) says that it is a SMART failure if the value of an
-    attribute is LESS THAN OR EQUAL to the threshold and the
-    prefailure bit is set.  This is now fixed in both smartctl and
-    smartd.  Note that this is a troubled subject -- the original
-    SFF 8035i specification defining SMART was inconsistent about
-    this.  One section says that Attribute==Threshold is pass,
-    and another section says it is fail.  However the ATA specs are
-    consistent and say Attribute==Threshold is a fail.
-- smartd did not print the correct value of any failing SMART attribute.  It
-    printed the index in the attribute table, not the attribute
-    ID. This is fixed.
-- when starting self-tests in captive mode ioctl returns EIO because
-    the drive has been busied out.  Detect this and don't return an eror
-    in this case.  Check this this is correct (or how to fix it?)
- - fixed possible error in how to determine ATA standard support
-    for devices with no ATA minor revision number.
-- device opened only in read-only not read-write mode.  Don't need R/W 
-    access to get smart data. Check this with Andre.
-- smartctl now handles all possible choices of "multiple options"
-    gracefully.  It goes through the following phases of operation,
-    Documentation has bee updated to explain the different phases of
-    operation.  Control flow through ataPrintMain()
-    simplified.
-- If reading device identity information fails, try seeing if the info
-    can be accessed using a "DEVICE PACKET" command.  This way we can
-    at least get device info.
-- Modified Makefile to automatically tag CVS archive on issuance of
-    a release
-- Modified drive detection so minor device ID code showing ATA-3 rev
-    0 (no SMART) is known to not be SMART capable.
-- Now verify the checksum of the device ID data structure, and of the
-    attributes threshold structure.  Before neither of these
-    structures had their checksums verified.
-- New behavior vis-a-vis checksums.  If they are wrong, we log
-    warning messages to stdout, stderr, and syslog, but carry on
-    anyway.  All functions now call a checksumwarning routine if the
-    checksum doesn't vanish as it should.
-- Changed Read Hard Disk Identity function to get fresh info from
-    the disk on each call rather than to use the values that were read
-    upon boot-up into the BIOS.  This is the biggest change in this
-    release.  The ioctl(device, HDIO_GET_IDENTITY, buf ) call should
-    be avoided in such code.  Note that if people get garbled strings
-    for the model, serial no and firmware versions of their drives,
-    then blame goes here (the BIOS does the byte swapping for you,
-    apparently!)
-- Function ataSmartSupport now looks at correct bits in drive
-    identity structure to verify first that these bits are valid,
-    before using them.
-- Function ataIsSmartEnabled() written which uses the Drive ID state
-    information to tell if SMART is enabled or not.  We'll carry this
-    along for the moment without using it.
-- Function ataDoesSmartWork() guaranteed to work if the device
-    supports SMART.
-- Replace some numbers by #define MACROS
-- Wrote Function TestTime to return test time associated with each
-    different type of test.
-- Thinking of the future, have added a new function called
-    ataSmartStatus2().  Eventually when I understand how to use the
-    TASKFILE API and am sure that this works correctly, it will
-    replace ataSmartStatus().  This queries the drive directly to
-    see if the SMART status is OK, rather than comparing thresholds to
-    attribute values ourselves. But I need to get some drives that fail
-    their SMART status to check it.
-* Thu Oct 17 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
--   Removed extraneous space before some error message printing.
--   Fixed some character buffers that were too short for contents.
-    Only used for unrecognized drives, so probably damage was minimal.
-* Wed Oct 16 2002 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
--   Initial release.  Code is derived from smartsuite, and is
-    intended to be compatible with the ATA/ATAPI-5 specifications.
--   For IBM disks whose raw temp data includes three temps. print all
-    three
--   print timestamps for error log to msec precision
--   added -m option for Hitachi disks that store power on life in
-    minutes
--   added -L option for printing self-test error logs
--   in -l option, now print power on lifetime, so that one can see
-    when the error took place
--   updated SMART structure definitions to ATA-5 spec
--   added -p option
--   added -f and -F options to enable/disable autosave threshold
-    parameters